Sherlock Wall

Sherlock Wall
This is me when I get bored and do more harm than good

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The nerd addiction is too real

Bruh, it's that time again when i get back into the anime and kpop/drama world. This past week, i wept over the news of Running Man ending and rewatching anime eps like Yuri on Ice. The hype is realllll. Man, the anime is a really nice rom-comedy, one i haven't watched in years. Nothing awk about the fact that it's based on a gay relationship which i totally support in real life as well. Definitely on my list of top fav animes of all time

As for Running Man, i can't believe it's ending next year #7012forever :'(
After watching something for 5+ years, especially a reality comedy show with the same 7 members throughout, the feeling runs in you pretty deeply. I love the family atmosphere of the cast members. There's so much dynamic b/w them that the relationship is much stronger than a cast in a show just making gags. You can literally see their real personalities and feel like you're're in there, too. I thrive in that kind of atmosphere in real life, too. I love to laugh around my friends and talk about random shiz/life topics. It just makes my whole day better when you let your feelings go.

Alright...i really need to sleep now. Eyes starting to sag even tho school ended.

Productive Winter Break

As the title suggests, it really does seem like i'm working during winter break. 

So, finals ended last friday, but it didn't really bother me that I faltered a bit on my grades. Meaning, I finally got my first B in college. I knowwww, it sounds petty, and it really is. From this point on, i don't really care much about my GPA as i do about getting work experience. That was last year's goal, although, it shouldn't have been my only goal. I should've seriously applied for other things, like research, internships, volunteer work, etc. I did not bother to really try them out because i was so focus on homework and working part-time that i did not notice the bigger picture. Now that i'm a junior and have a full-ride scholarship (hallelujah), i realized this late how important it is to be more well-rounded than focusing on one aspect. Whatever, i can't really change the past, so i need to move on >_>

Anywayyy, this thinking resulted in me deciding to intern abroad in Hong Kong next summer. I'm currently working on the app, so i really hope it would be worth it. My main goal was to intern anyway, but when i thought about studying abroad, i was like "Why not?" I always wanted to travel and my parents wanted me to go back to China to work on my Chinese (I speak Cantonese rather than Mandarin so yeah). So, including the program app, i'm applying for more scholarships to help cover the cost (all due in Jan-Feb). SO YEAHHHH lots to write. 

And you know what sucks even more? I realized how i should've talked and connected with my teachers = more recommendations. Literally, i'm asking my faculty advisors instead becuz i'm more close with them from being involved with my club and classes (not with the teachers). I never even though about asking my volunteer supervisors or employers either. I was very shy and did what i was supposed to do, but i didn't had the courage to actually ask them, and they were all nice too. UGH where was this advice in high school when i needed it?? TT.TT alright enough of me ranting and time to start writing. Ciao!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Made a Tumblr

I'm probably late to this, but I made a Tumblr! It's titled Honeybearftw, but it will probably change. Trying to see if I can reach a different kind of audience in that social media platform. I'll still use this one for longer posts. Tumblr just gives me more options to choose from so yeah~
Here's the link:

So much to learn in so little time :) But at least it's winter break now (with one more final to go).

Monday, November 14, 2016

I miss...

my childhood. Watching princess Disney movies, reading the Series of Unfortunate Events (don't rmbr much tho...gonna re-read and re-watch the movie over the winter xD), and sleeping all day.

A few minutes ago, i was watching the trailer for the Beauty and the Beast starring Emma Watson, and I got very nostalgic when i heard the theme music. I used to watch the Chinese version of the animated movie (including Neighbor Totoro and Cinderella), so i kinda know the basic story line. i don't really know the details though since i never watched the dubbed version. I'm anticipating it very much. OH, and you can't forget about Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. OMFG i'm super hyped up for that one, too. All these feelings from your childhood surfing into my adulthood gives me rejoice and the thrills.

Looking back at the fun things i've done as a child, there wasn't much actually. I was mostly cooped up at home and watched tv after coming back from school. Both my parents worked most of the time, so whenever we hang out, it's for lunch/dinner or a shopping spree with my mom (which is a marathon-length long). I wished i did more as a child. be it talking with more kids, go out and play some light sports, or read more books.

Well, now that i have a car (and can finally go past my curfew), i can explore my options. The only problem is my motivation. it's not more so just about my budget, but not being lazy and being afraid to go out and explore on my own. I feel more comfortable if i go to places with my close circle of friends. but now, I'm changing that habit and starting to branch out from my group. I still keep in touch but nowadays, i spend more time with my club members than my friends. I don't see it as a bad thing since i'm developing myself to become more open-minded.

So, hopefully, this change will help me get one step closer to my goals :)

Saturday, November 5, 2016

I watched...

Dr. Strange last night and BOYYYYY, it did not disappoint me.

I absolutely loved it. 9/10 Lost one point cuz the villain was meh. But, other than that, everyone was was just so charismatic especially the Ancient One. She was so memorizing even though she had to do some stuff others may not have liked. I admired that quality of hers; it's something i want to have as a grow up.

I remember last yr, my chinese teacher said i was charismatic cuz i was able to convinced my lazy team member to do his part of our class project. We had to make a video and unfortunately, and I got paired up with the laziest student in class along with another girl. But, as i gradually got to know him better, he started to do his homework and got more involved with class activities. Apparently, my teacher was able to noticed his transformation and she told me during a class dinner how charismatic i was (thank goodness my team member wasn't there otherwise i would've been embarrassed af). So yeah, i liked that feeling of being a good role model for others. Even now, I still struggle being a good leader.

Anywayyy, I'll talk about that in a later post since i'm pretty tired. I just wanted a break from all the responsibility i had to handle today. I even got into a little argument with a friend the day before. Sometimes, i get pretty moody and i think that's how some ppl perceive me, too, which i don't want. But, it's harder to move on from old habits than i thought it would. Like, i look at how i act in a Snapchat, and i cringe at myself for doing this or saying that. Even though my friends and peers say other people's opinions and thoughts of you don't matter, part of them do, at least in the professional world. No matter if it's offensive or interesting, whatever they say or do will always stay on my mind for a while.

Alright, gonna sleep now...i'll definitely post some posts later on. Til then, Ciao. (^_^)/

Sunday, October 23, 2016


So, I changed up my blog design and added a few gadgets, and a new post.

Looks better, but it can be better. Man, I'm too much of a perfectionist and worrywart. Even though I have like 4 exams this week, I'm not that as fazed...or am I? So yeah, just a short post to update the blog. Anyway, going to study and stay up a bit more. I shall come back soon...

C ya.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Am i a reader?

nope, i'm more of a visual reader/learner, but i do like being surrounded by books.

So the past two weeks, i visited 4 different public libraries and 2 dif Half Price book stores. Weird isn't it? You would not hear someone saying they went to different libraries in one day then go to another one the next day without a legitimate reason. And i'm sure mines isn't really justifiable.

What made me go to a different library tho was becuz the local branch i go to is still 'under renovation.' I like the library atmosphere, it makes me focus a lot more than at home and school. idk, maybe cuz i used to always go there once a week. It just felt weird not being there anymore after going there after so many times. So i just randomly went on a library spree and bought a few books here and there, including Half Price Book Store. However, i don't really read much of the books that i check out (my feet likes to go towards the DVD section instead :P). I go there mostly for the studious atmosphere and check out reference books when needed.

One other reason that i went on that spree was that i wanted to go somewhere new but not too different. Idk if it makes sense, but I like going to new places that still consists of an atmosphere that i'm familiar with. It lightens up my mood but makes me feel safe & confident that i know what's going on around me. So, in a way, it didn't had to be a library but since i haven't gone there in a while, it just came to mind like that.

So yeah..looks like i have a lot to read now that i bought and borrowed some new books. Hopefully i have another break that will make me read them. I can't really read in one setting w/o the right mood and atmosphere (much like reading a textbook). If not anytime soon...oh well, they look great on my shelf. :D

Sunday, July 17, 2016

I introduce to you...

my little sister. A.k.a. my roommate.

She's a stubborn rebel who is taller and 4 years younger than me. She sleeps in the same room with me, and let me just say, we don't really have a sisterly kind of bond at all. The least i can say is that she's still a good person and follows most of our house rules.

Before college my parents, esp my mom, would always remind me to be a good role model for my little sister. And, i followed what she said til we grew older and started getting into petty arguments. There were times when she would scratch me like a cat and/or kick me. T__T (i confess, i did [fake] cried a bit to make my parents lecture her for me only cuz they were louder and more effective than me).

One time i argued about her playing on her laptop for too long and prolonging her hw........ somehow it resulted in her laptop falling to the ground and my sister facing my mom's wrath. My mom's pretty materialistic btw. She's the type if there's even a scratch on the car she'll scream at you and punish you one way or another. Fortunately. that laptop still works to this day, but you can't exactly bring it everywhere with you anymore ahahaha. So you can see how dominant she was over me in terms of stubbornness and strength. (i'm telling yall, something she ate as a toddler must've turn her into a hulk)

However, after my sister entered high school, she became more mature and i lectured her more effectively that wouldn't end with bruises and broken things (including myself). I realized i'm not always right and she's not always to blame, too. Mostly i think it's becuz she got spoiled (as such since she's the youngest) but now we both listen to each other's opinions and advice.

So even though we still argue, we're both more blatant, chill, and less violent. Recently, i've been giving her a lot of advice about how to survive in my old high school and it makes me happy when she listens to me.
One thing I remembered when she was born, i was so curious about how she looked like that i tried to climb up on my mother's bed to see her in her crib. I was pretty impatient (even now), but i gradually grew fond of her and did my best to make sure she had a great example to follow becuz my parents used to work almost every day for more than 10 hrs. Having her with me also makes me secure and lean on her since idk when my grandma who practically raised us will leave. *tears*

Anywho~~ i just wanted to write a random topic so i went for a personal story. Hope u guys enjoyed it. Bai

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What's annoying to hear?

That our generation is the worst, spoiled, and reckless.

So recently i've been watching some academia videos on YouTube, and i browsed into one talking about generation gaps. He said it is not justifiable to generalize our whole generation for just a few people that you thought was 'bad.' Plus, not all of us have access to technology or the freedom to their right, which I TOTALLY AGREE WITH.

After watching the video, i looked at the comments and agreed how some of us are really spoiled, including myself. That may be due to bad parenting or being ignorant of things, but whatever the reason, EVERY generation has faced troubles. May not be the same ones, but we (and other generations) have experienced similar innate struggles across time.

True, we live in a more integrated world, but not everyone in one generation has the same luxury as some like me. My parents were fortunate enough to come here as immigrants and give a better life for me and my little sister. I am grateful for that, however, i don't like to hear that my generation has it 'easier.' Of course doing work is more efficient to do now, making things process faster; our previous generations made these technological innovations so we can live that life! Every generation before that generation have supported and helped make their future family live in a better world.

I admit, i do judge people on their appearance and first impression greetings, but people have done the same to me, too. I can't really blame them for judging and hating me if they already have the wrong idea about my character. Or maybe they just don't like my personality. Cool, that's fine. I don't care. Let's move on. But, I'm still working on trying to get away from first impressions because i want to approach new people. I get surprised by people's past experiences and hobbies that are different from what i expected. It's a great feeling to be able to socialize with friendly people. It's just the non-friendly or shy ones that i have trouble connecting with. Like i said, it's a work in progress for me.

Anyway, done ranting for today. Off to my drama~~

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

ADHD (maybe but not really?)

I get so distracted easily. Add memory loss to that and I will wander into Netherlands soon.

I don't know when it started but most likely it stemmed from not listening to my elders for a long time. Back then, i would always ignore whatever they said that i didn't like or was irrelevant to my life. Eventually, that spread to my school work and lectures too. One thing i do know is that my condition isn't that serious cuz i was able to get good grades by working hard. I'm no prodigy, but I had a really hard time trying to stay on topic. Even when i'm watching videos or reading stuff i like, i get so distracted that i start wondering about other things, such as, "Oh, this texture of the book/page is really smooth," or "This person looks old/hot/weird," or "Why did they even use this picture??!" Yeah, weird thoughts.

It's not like i don't purposefully pay attention to what people say (unless it's a teacher who is bad at teaching, but i'm not really one to blame). I'm just very slow at processing stuff, so it takes me a while to register the things that i'm not really as interested in my brain. I'm not consistent either, and u can tell from my grammar and the style i'm writing in right now. Ask one of my friends, and one of the things they'll say is that i do/say weird things too that may be excessively random or out of the box (good & bad).

I can't stay focused after reading a few sentences, but what's weird is that I love being surrounded by books. I always imagined having a huge shelf full of books (mostly mangas and novels :P) in my dream home. Before my local library went into renovation this past yr, i would always ask my mom to drive me there weekly. To be honest, i used to go there just to check out DVDs, esp. National Geographic ones (i was always intrigued by wild animals ^^). But, I liked being in that studious environment. It felt like I could gain a lot of knowledge if i just read a few pages of this and that of any subject. Oh, and another note: i'm not used to loud, flashing lights, and crowded areas. It gives me a headache really easily, esp things like karaoke or big parties. BUT, i try to save up as much energy as i can (by eating a lot and resting) beforehand so i can have as much fun as i can with my friends.

Anyway, i don't have a really serious case of ADHD, but i do have some symptoms of it that are 'treatable.' If you guys have any suggestions, comment below plzzz. For now, i'm just going to tame my brain and meditate. :D

~This is all self-diagnosis, so everything i say may or may not be true~

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What do I do on a daily basis?

Playing or listening to some soft music, especially piano ones. 

It takes me to another world, one that I'm just strolling around the streets and looking at awesome scenery. I self-taught how to learn the piano during high school after learning how to play the violin for 4 years at school. I didn't take piano lessons, so I'm not really playing properly but I have learned some pieces (some of them I learned partly or leveled down). Whenever i'm feeling anything that's strong (happiness, love, or sadness), I play/listen to my heart's content. It calms me down lol. 

Most of the piano music i listen to is called "New Age." It's not exactly classical nor an OST of a show/movie. They're pretty modern and more straightforward in terms of the feelings you get from each one of them. For instance, the first one i ever memorized by hand was I Giorni by Ludovico Einaudi. It was introduced to me through a mutual interest friend, so i was interested since then. 

It's just something i like to do, a hobby. One thing on my checklist would be to get a horizontal piano (a grand will take up a lotttt of space, but it would be ideal too if i can afford it). For now, i have an electronic one so I can play around with the sounds, but I would like to have an authentic one :P
Either way, it's one of the lowest things on the list that i would get. It's a privilege to even play one, the time and the e-piano i have. So yeah, i'm glad i got into it. It lessens my stress and gives me peace at the same time. 

Well, I hope to get back to this blog soon with something more interesting. I havent had any ideas since my last one, so i just wrote this xD  I'll write a better one.... i hope. ~~

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Feeling angst and anxious.

I'm so conscious of what people say to me. I have really low self-esteem and I've been working on it. But it's still pretty hard for me to confront people or look at myself confidently.
I would like to let people know what my thoughts are but I rarely do be'cuz I'm so scared and worried of what their reactions are or talking back at them that might lead to an argument. What's worse is that I don't get mad at others but at myself instead. U know how some people's stomachs churn upside down becuz of seeing or hearing something disgusting? For me, it's like that, but when I look back at what people or I said to me or others.
Idk how this low self-esteem started but maybe it's be'cuz my mom always criticized me of every thing I do and discouraged me on a lot of things when I was a child. She's like the head of the household. I have more freedom now but now it's starting to spread outside instead.

Now that I'm older, I face criticism from outside the house and I know that it's good for me but it still hurts even when I act like I'm good in front of my friends.

Monday, June 20, 2016

I'm Selfish

Am I selfish? Yes, I really am.

One moment I care for people then I go back to my own worries. It varies, but it's definitely not consistent. My concerns for others, that is. I have a nonchalant view about many things and I don't act upon them. For instance, and many people probably could relate to this, it's like sending your prayers for people who are sick/in need, but you don't really do anything about it and move on. Apply that on a personal level and that's what I do.

Idk, I thought I opened up more but I guess I've gotten too much to the point where I don't keep in mind what I say and do anymore. I act before I think a lot. I don't really reason my actions until they happen and then I start questioning myself why did I do that. Embarrassing or regretful, I always look back at it right before I sleep (not everyday). Probably what fuels my insomnia tho :/

The things I've done may not have been horrible, but sometimes I have an ignorant, "idgaf" attitude (in my head) towards the things I do. Do I seem horrible now? Maybe. But yeah, I don't really show it. It's part of the reason why I didn't made much friends back in secondary school.

I feel bad (sometimes) that I don't keep myself in check in the right places & times. U could say, I should watch what I say and do more carefully now (with a more caring attitude). It's not like how my parents lecture me and tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it right away. My actions will still continue but now I know I need to put in more effort for longer lasting and deeper relationships. Even though others forgave me, it still lingers. I don't easily forget what people say to me about things (the worst side of me) pertaining to me. I guess you could say the selfishness is more of a human phenomenon but in this case, I just wanted to write it out and let others know of this experience.
Will I ever learn? I hope so and I'm working on it, but I'm still a working progress as I am with my work life, too.

Well then, I think that's enough thinking for today. If u hav any questions or comments plz let me know. One thing I do know for sure is that I like to hear and give advice to people in general. It lets me see from their perspectives and to learn from each other.
K, good night.

Monday, June 13, 2016

I Like to Daydream, Do You?

As the title suggests, daydreaming is something that I do...everyday.

The most I dream about is not real though. For instance, I would literally just imagine myself as the sidekick girl with magic powers in this anime or movie. That, or i try to be the cupid or the girl with the handsome guy, etc. Nevertheless, it has become something i do every time before i sleep at least.

I'm not sure when it became a daily habit. Most likely becuz I always read picture books back in elementary school. My comprehension lvl was really the point where i actually failed my state's assessment reading test in 3rd grade. my mom had to 'bail me out?' lol, i'm not even sure but let's just say i was able to advance forward. *cough cough* Anyway, i got better later on, but i'm still bad at seeing behind the meaning of the words.

Out of all my friends, i probably have the most illogical, nonsensical working mind. I can not follow straightforward board game rules or teach something easy step by step. I can't even think straight. One time my friends and i were playing Telestration (adult version), which is a game similar to Pictionary but there are multiple rounds and every person gets to draw and guess a word every other turn. One of my friends, his word was "Girl on Girl," and apparently i didn't see the boobs on the top girl. So, i wrote "Man groping a woman or vice versa ;)" At that point, I knew i was not normal, as always (according to my friends).

So yeah, maybe my daydreaming habit has something to do with my weird way of thinking. I'm very detail-oriented about school and work, but i don't exactly think with a common sense outside those worlds. I always like to think of the alternative. Like, "What would happen if this was...," or "Are you sure?" etc.
Sometimes, i'm very paranoid about the little details. Or maybe i'm just drunk 24/7.

Alright, peace. Time for me to sleep. Zzzzzzz

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Hell o!

Hello, my fellow mates!
First time I'm actually making a blog. I wanted a personal website for the public to see and so here I am. I won't write my secrets be'cuz this would've been a diary. Now, why would I publish that?
In this blog I will talk about my personal feelings, abstract stuff that I'm in the mood to talk about, and just random stuff that I did on that day. I won't update this on a daily basis. Ain't got no time for that. Got summer school and work man. Oh, and hanging out with my awesome friends ;)

Part of the other reason why I made a blog is be'cuz my friend also made one and she's in SK right now, studying abroad. #Goals #Dream And so, I wanted to try it out (and practice my writing skills).

I hope you guys enjoy this. Thanks for visiting!