Sherlock Wall

Sherlock Wall
This is me when I get bored and do more harm than good

Saturday, November 5, 2016

I watched...

Dr. Strange last night and BOYYYYY, it did not disappoint me.

I absolutely loved it. 9/10 Lost one point cuz the villain was meh. But, other than that, everyone was was just so charismatic especially the Ancient One. She was so memorizing even though she had to do some stuff others may not have liked. I admired that quality of hers; it's something i want to have as a grow up.

I remember last yr, my chinese teacher said i was charismatic cuz i was able to convinced my lazy team member to do his part of our class project. We had to make a video and unfortunately, and I got paired up with the laziest student in class along with another girl. But, as i gradually got to know him better, he started to do his homework and got more involved with class activities. Apparently, my teacher was able to noticed his transformation and she told me during a class dinner how charismatic i was (thank goodness my team member wasn't there otherwise i would've been embarrassed af). So yeah, i liked that feeling of being a good role model for others. Even now, I still struggle being a good leader.

Anywayyy, I'll talk about that in a later post since i'm pretty tired. I just wanted a break from all the responsibility i had to handle today. I even got into a little argument with a friend the day before. Sometimes, i get pretty moody and i think that's how some ppl perceive me, too, which i don't want. But, it's harder to move on from old habits than i thought it would. Like, i look at how i act in a Snapchat, and i cringe at myself for doing this or saying that. Even though my friends and peers say other people's opinions and thoughts of you don't matter, part of them do, at least in the professional world. No matter if it's offensive or interesting, whatever they say or do will always stay on my mind for a while.

Alright, gonna sleep now...i'll definitely post some posts later on. Til then, Ciao. (^_^)/

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