Sherlock Wall

Sherlock Wall
This is me when I get bored and do more harm than good

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What's annoying to hear?

That our generation is the worst, spoiled, and reckless.

So recently i've been watching some academia videos on YouTube, and i browsed into one talking about generation gaps. He said it is not justifiable to generalize our whole generation for just a few people that you thought was 'bad.' Plus, not all of us have access to technology or the freedom to their right, which I TOTALLY AGREE WITH.

After watching the video, i looked at the comments and agreed how some of us are really spoiled, including myself. That may be due to bad parenting or being ignorant of things, but whatever the reason, EVERY generation has faced troubles. May not be the same ones, but we (and other generations) have experienced similar innate struggles across time.

True, we live in a more integrated world, but not everyone in one generation has the same luxury as some like me. My parents were fortunate enough to come here as immigrants and give a better life for me and my little sister. I am grateful for that, however, i don't like to hear that my generation has it 'easier.' Of course doing work is more efficient to do now, making things process faster; our previous generations made these technological innovations so we can live that life! Every generation before that generation have supported and helped make their future family live in a better world.

I admit, i do judge people on their appearance and first impression greetings, but people have done the same to me, too. I can't really blame them for judging and hating me if they already have the wrong idea about my character. Or maybe they just don't like my personality. Cool, that's fine. I don't care. Let's move on. But, I'm still working on trying to get away from first impressions because i want to approach new people. I get surprised by people's past experiences and hobbies that are different from what i expected. It's a great feeling to be able to socialize with friendly people. It's just the non-friendly or shy ones that i have trouble connecting with. Like i said, it's a work in progress for me.

Anyway, done ranting for today. Off to my drama~~

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