Sherlock Wall

Sherlock Wall
This is me when I get bored and do more harm than good

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What do I do on a daily basis?

Playing or listening to some soft music, especially piano ones. 

It takes me to another world, one that I'm just strolling around the streets and looking at awesome scenery. I self-taught how to learn the piano during high school after learning how to play the violin for 4 years at school. I didn't take piano lessons, so I'm not really playing properly but I have learned some pieces (some of them I learned partly or leveled down). Whenever i'm feeling anything that's strong (happiness, love, or sadness), I play/listen to my heart's content. It calms me down lol. 

Most of the piano music i listen to is called "New Age." It's not exactly classical nor an OST of a show/movie. They're pretty modern and more straightforward in terms of the feelings you get from each one of them. For instance, the first one i ever memorized by hand was I Giorni by Ludovico Einaudi. It was introduced to me through a mutual interest friend, so i was interested since then. 

It's just something i like to do, a hobby. One thing on my checklist would be to get a horizontal piano (a grand will take up a lotttt of space, but it would be ideal too if i can afford it). For now, i have an electronic one so I can play around with the sounds, but I would like to have an authentic one :P
Either way, it's one of the lowest things on the list that i would get. It's a privilege to even play one, the time and the e-piano i have. So yeah, i'm glad i got into it. It lessens my stress and gives me peace at the same time. 

Well, I hope to get back to this blog soon with something more interesting. I havent had any ideas since my last one, so i just wrote this xD  I'll write a better one.... i hope. ~~

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